Monday, February 8, 2010

Cycling Cadence

Last week I wondered how fast I should be going on the bike. Well, today in spinning class, the instructor keep saying "increase your cadence" and I had no idea what he meant. I recalled that Travel Diva mentioned that running with a cadence helped her get back into the sport, but on a bike? I was completely lost. I just kept pedaling away and committed to looking it up when I got home.

Apparently, cadence is how fast you are pedaling and is measured in rpms (revolutions per minute). When racing, a good cadence to keep is 90 rpms. What gear your bike is in factors into this somehow. My Merlot is kicking in, so that's all I learned today.

In my very short spinning experience (minus the fact that I don't have padded shorts yet to avoid a sore butt), spinning is the TRUTH. It's a good workout, you burn lots of calories and it seems to be just what I need to do to build my base. See, with the exception of that day in May when I sprained my ankle, I haven't been on a bike in like, 20 years! So, before I go out and purchase a bike (I am attending 2 bike clinics this week to learn more about purchasing a bike, weather permitting) and get outside, at least I will know how hard I should push myself by taking these spinning classes. Thanks to Gladys, Adrienne and Fergie, I worked up the nerve to start spinning classes, and boy am I sure glad I did! It's all... coming together (with a long way to go). More tomorrow....

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