Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Last night I went to the pool at American Universiy to practice swimming. I went there instead of my gym, because there were swim coaches there that could give me some tips. I really don't know why I am not comfortable on my back in the water. Perhaps it's a control issue? Maybe it's because I can't see where I'm going?? I'm not sure what it is. The coach that was there, Dennis, gave me some tips to help me to relax more and let the water support me. It looks so easy and I really want to do it so badly, however I didn't leave as comfortable as I would have liked to be. I will go back again tonight to practice and  hope to leave being comfortable on my back and able to do some of the fancy stuff that the rest of the group learned to do on Sunday. I hope to perfect what they learned on tomorrow and practice what my private coach taught me too.

I am going out of town on Thursday and not returning until Sunday, so  I probably won't get any swimming in while away. I have to be honest and say that this is really making me wonder about my ability to be able to complete the race if it's tough for me to get the basics. Most people are trying to perfect their swim and I am in the infantile stages. I have 12 weeks until the first race and 18 weeks until the next one. I am hoping to get comfortable in the water, and learn to swim soon so I can master my freestyle stroke and be able to complete my races.

Off to buy some new running shoes and another bathing suit. The goal is to run for 30 minutes and then head to swim practice. Wish me luck....

You don't have to be great to get started, but you do have to get started to be great. -Lee J. Colan

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