Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I need a break through!

I am starting to want to pull out my hair out in frustration with myself. I know what the issue is and I am trying to resolve it and I haven't yet. Everyday I realize more and more what the problems are and it seems like I am constantly trying to fix myself instead of getting to the point where I am perfecting something. I need to be at the point where I am perfecting something!! Last night, I realized that not only am I not breathing like several people have pointed out to me, but I am completely FREAKING OUT. I am now starting to breathe out under water. I tried breathing out through my nose like Travel Diva and my private swim instructor taught me and breathing out through my mouth like the group swim instructor and Trudy taught me. I was committed last night to just breathe out under water. Not swim... just breathe. I realized that I am BLOWING out all my air quickly and very hard and so when I raise my head for air, I just can't get enough, because I have maxed out the amount of air that I am blowing out. I want to swim slow and suave like some of those other chics do in the pool!

I have GOT to relax! Should I take in some yoga classes? Oh where oh where would I find the time? This Triathlon stuff has taken over my life! I am not going to quit, although I sure feel like it today. I am committed today to going to the gym and running for 30minutes on the treadmill (it's cold, windy and rainy and I cancelled my outdoor run with Adrienne) and I will spend 30 minutes in the pool trying to make it across the pool swimming in a very slow breathing, relaxed way and not stopping. That's the goal for today. I hope to reach the goal. Although, quitting seems a lot less painful than pulling my hair out and I am on the brink of doing so. Please, please, PLEASE let me have a break through today. PLEASE!!!!


  1. Let's do something else. Let's take a break (I don't mean stop...I mean cross train on something else) & relax & just breath. Yes, I recommend taking some yoga classes where you HAVE to focus on breathing, realxing and getting in tune with your body. I believe you are tensing up and freaking out cause you are hell bent on DOING IT instead of enjoying the journey.

    Let's center, breath, relax and refocus. It's the journey we are on. Fullfilment of a dream/a vision - NOT winning, beating anyone else.


  2. I most definitely agree with TravelDiva. Like we talked about yesterday, maybe you are thinking about it too much so just try to clear your mind and feel the water move all about you.

    You'll get there. You have a great deal of support

  3. Shoot, I'm listening to TravelDiva's advice, too. Enjoy the journey. I think yoga would be good, too. Does your gym have any classes?

  4. I agree, try something a little different that will allow you to relax. We are all cheering for you.

  5. Hey there!!

    Like everyone says cross training will be a good break!
    We will be there cheering for you!!
