Tuesday, March 16, 2010

14 miles and a fall standing still...

So, I ventured out today and went over to Neisha's to join her for a bike ride. Her place is 3.1 miles from mine. I was a nervous wreck about venturing out, but I just took my time and enjoyed the ride. I was surprised at how hilly the roads were in some spots. I completely enjoyed the beautiful day and could have been content with turning around and coming back home once I made it to my destination. This was only my 2nd time riding my new fancy bike and just like the last time, I rode with no falls, until...... I got to my destination. WHAT IS THAT ABOUT??? I was so proud that I made it to my destination, but I was unsure if I should turn right or left at her street. I started to reach for my directions in my pocket (with one foot on the ground and completely stopped, mind you) and then my cell phone started to ring and I got all crazy thinking, "I wonder if she can see me and see that I MADE IT. I know she lives close to the corner!". I got my cell phone and before I could say hello, I went crashing to the ground with my left foot still attached to that dang pedal! How can I fall standing still, AGAIN? *sigh*...

The plan was to ride out to Sligo Creek Trail. It took 2 miles to get there and then the confusion started... we had to keep stopping and waiting for traffic and figure out which was the trail was continuing and uugghh.... After 4 miles, we decided to turn back. In total, we rode 8 miles together and round trip I covered 14 miles. The ride from her house to mine was TOUGH. I didn't remember all of those hills man. The roads in DC are hard to ride a bike on. I had to stop twice and pretend to read my directions again and drink out of an empty water bottle to hide the fact that I was only stooping because I was tired. I am always encouraged by the folks walking down the street and in cars. They say the most encouraging things. This cop was trying to get me to get going again once he noticed that my water bottle was empty. He told me, "girl I should give you a citation for pretending to be drinking something out of that empty bottle. You need to keep pedaling baby, these roads can't beat you. You GOT that hill!"

Now I have to rest these legs and try to run tomorrow... The goal is to run as much of 3 miles as I can. That's the goal.... we'll see how I do.


  1. thats to funny what the cop said!! Keep up the good work!! Oh yeah is the bike ok??

  2. Yes, the bike is okay... LOL! Thanks for asking.

  3. Wow! You go girl! I don't think I've ever ridden my bike more than 1/2 a mile in one ride... And I've never tried to either!... I mean, I can't now. My bike was stolen... Not that I care or anything... Anywho, GO BECCA!

  4. Go Becca I story is great, I am still laughing. The cop knew when he saw you that you were a determined, and just needed a little motivation. LOL

  5. GO BECCA!!! I am chuckling over the cop calling you out AND motivating you. That was great. I can't wait to hang (umm, workout) with you next week. I get to torture MsPattey this weekend. *insert evil laugh*

  6. Girl, you did awesome! Don't worry about the cop...I would have done the same!

  7. Great Job Girl!! I'm LMAO @ the cop calling you out though. Oh and next time you stop to answer your cell just get off the bike first ;-).

  8. Hahahahaaaa Girl that cop has me DYING!!!! You can do it Becca!!! I know you can.. I'm so happy for ya!!! Fantastic job on that bike.. but I need you to get your blue tooth in ok.. :) no more falls LOL

  9. No worries, we'll do the Capitol Crescent trail Saturday. 9 miles to Georgetown and then 10 miles on the trail. Get your game face on...no stopping, until we're back..(total ride 30miles). Ok, we take a break for a quick bite.

    See you at noonish :)

  10. Thanks to all!! Uhm... Neisha, I will pass on the 30 mile bike ride. I need to concentrate on staying vertical!!
